Online Learning

Wholistic University

School of Naturopathic Medicine  

Empowering through Herbalism, Plant Medicine, and Botanical Science

Level 1: The Gateway to Holistic Healing

Level 1 is the prerequisite for The Naturopathic Doctor and/or Doctor of Medical Chi Kung Program. Graduates receive five certificates: Holistic Nutritionist, Holistic Herbalist, Holistic Detoxification Specialist, Certified Health Coach, and Holistic Health Educator.

Additionally, our curriculum includes Tai Ji, Ba Gua & Shing Yi classes/programs taught by Michael Issa, current lineage holder Sifu Ben Hill Bey and Advanced Medical Chi Kung under the tutelage of Sifu Jeff Larson, the eldest disciple of Grand Master Henry Poo Yee.

Wholistic University was founded in 2012 by Dr. Gabriel Hernandez El at the independent requests of Dr. Mark Armstrong El, ND., Mfundishi Nganga Tolo Naa, and Sifu Jeff Larson. We combine ancient wisdom from Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, and many other holistic modalities with modern science and quantum understanding.

Our Comprehensive Programs

Students at Wholistic University benefit from:

  • Integration of ancient wisdom and modern science
  • Mastering herbalism, holistic health, and plant medicine
  • Becoming certified in various holistic health disciplines
  • Classes in Chi Kung for holistic well-being
  • Ba Gua & Shing Yi classes under lineage holder Sifu Ben Hill Bey
  • Advanced Medical Chi Kung with Sifu Jeff Larson
  • A comprehensive educational journey spanning over 5,000 years of historical uses

Experience the most comprehensive holistic medical system of education on the planet at the School of Naturopathic Medicine - Wholistic University.